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Katharina Ranc does not record personal information allowing identification with the exception of forms freely completed by the user. This information will not be used without your agreement, we shall use it solely in order to send you letters, brochures, estimates or to contact you. The information gathered on the sites enjoys the protection accorded by the law “Information Technology and Freedom” no 78-17 of 6 January 1978. It is subject to the right of access, correction, cancellation and demand for no further communication by a simple request to Katharina Ranc, 15/19 rue des Orfèvres, 06250 Mougins-Village, France.
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- Katharina Ranc
15/19 rue des Orfèvres
06250 Mougins-Village France - Phone / Fax: +33 (0) 493 90 13 88 - RCS Cannes
Siret 39762641700018 –
APE 361 K France